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VIgr FCI speciality dog-show in Riga, Latvia
judge - Norman DESCHUYMERE (Belgium)

ARESVUMA PAA-PALIKA -  very promising-1, PP, CW, puppyBOB and puppyBISs-2!!!



International dog-show in Riga, Latvia;
judge - Salvatore Tripoli (IT)

ARESVUMA PAA-PALIKA -  very promising-1, PP, CW and puppyBOO

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in champion class, CQ, CW, Best male and CACIB, BOO!


International dog-show in Riga, Latvia; CRUFT's qualification;
judge - Greg Eva (ZA)

ARESVUMA PAA-PALIKA -  very promising-1, ÐÐ, CW, puppyBOB, BEST



National dog-show in Valmiera, Latvia; judge - Leszek Siejkowski, Poland

ARESVUMA PAA-PALIKA - very promising baby, babyBOB, babyBIS-4!!!
Also wish to congratulate our friends ridgeback NUARY GODSENT (NAOMI SINBEST & PODAROK IZ AFRIKI ALLAN BREAK) she was Best of Breed in this day! Our congratulations to owner Sergei Donchak (Latvia, Riga) and to breeder Natalia Garbuzova!!!

we wish to congratulate our kennel ARESVUMA with amazing result on WDS 2009 in Bratislava, Slovakia

ARESVUMA ZULU-ZUKA - excellent-1, class winner, Best male and World Winner and finally Best of Breed!!!
ARESVUMA DESTA-DIARA - excellent-1, class winner, Best female and World Winner!!!


And, of course, we wish to congratulate our ARESVUMA PAA-PALIKA mother - HARMAKIS WISDOM DAKSHA OF ARESVUMA which gave 4th place in the biggest class - open class (43 females by catalogue)!!!


At the speciality dog-show:
ARESVUMA ZULU-ZUKA - excellent-1, class winner, Best male!!!
and ARESVUMA kennel is 2nd in kennels competition!!!


We wish to congratulate all owners of ARESVUMA children and, of course, our lovely breeder - Svetlana Malinnikova!!!


National dog-show in Ulenurme, Estonia;
judge -
Jo Schepers, Holland

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in open class, Best male-2, CAC, SERT and became EST and BALT Champion!!!



National dog-show in Marupe, Latvia;
judge - Tina Shultse, Latvia




VI gr. speciaity dog-show in Riga, Latvia;
judge - Jelena Kruus, Estonia

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in champion class, CQ, CW, Best male-3



National dog-show in Marupe, Latvia;
judge -
Olga Kojevnikova, Belarus

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in champion class, CQ, CW, Best male, BOO!



International dog-show (CACIB) in Riga, Latvia;
judge -
Sigrid Jarmer, Austria

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-2 in open class, CQ, Best male-4



International dog-show (CACIB) in Riga, Latvia;
judge -
Andrzei Mania, Poland

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in open class, CQ, CW, Best male-2, r.CACIB



National dog-show in Novopolotsk, Belarus;
judge - Svetlana Radjuk, Belarus

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in open class, CQ, CW, CAC, Best male, Best of Breed and also BIG-3!!! Jumba is BLR CH



VI gr. speciaity dog-show in Riga, Latvia;
judge - Rui Oliveira, Portugal

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in open class, CQ, CW, CAC, Best male, Best of Breed and also BISs-V!!!



International dog-show (CACIB) "Latvian winner 2009" in Riga, Latvia;
judge -
Per Iversen, Norvege




National dog-show in Daugavpils, Latvia;
judge - Anatoliy Zhuk, Belarus

ARESVUMA JUMBA JAFARI - excellent-1 in intermediate class, CQ, CAC, Best male-2! Jumba is Champion of Latvia!!!


News archive:
- 2008 -