Double International dog-show in Poznan, Poland

judge – José Homem de Mello, Portugal
17 RR by the catalogue

female, junior class
AJUMPAA GAWAHIR FOR SPIRITUS PRATUM (Spiritus Pratum Dracularis & Deyonga Jaala Jay for Ajumpa) – excellent-1, jCAC, jCACIB, Best Junior, BOS! Terra closed the title of Junior InterChampion and now is Candidate to Polish Junior Champion. Owner: Ангеліна Скрипнік

judge – Kresten Scheel, Denmark
20 RR by the catalogue

female, junior class
AJUMPAA GAWAHIR FOR SPIRITUS PRATUM (Spiritus Pratum Dracularis & Deyonga Jaala Jay for Ajumpa) – excellent-1, jCAC, jCACIB, Best Junior, BOS!  Owner: Ангеліна Скрипнік


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