“History of Love” puppies
Our “History of Love” puppies have new pictures in the age of 7.5 weeks
“History of Love” puppies Читать дальше »
Our “History of Love” puppies have new pictures in the age of 7.5 weeks
“History of Love” puppies Читать дальше »
Double International dog-show in Poznan, Poland
Terra closed the title of Junior InterChampion and now is Candidate to Polish Junior Champion!
On January 3rd were born 16 puppies from our beloved dogs. So, 8 rr females and 8 rr males is coming
Ajumpaa History of love puppies is coming Читать дальше »
19/20.10.2024International dog-show in Riga, Latvia Wonderful weekend, with friends and our beloved dogs. With all our hearts, congratulations to all the winners of the two days!!!!Results of our kennel AJUMPAA : 20.10.2024. International dog-show, Riga (Craft’s qualification)Judge – Paul Stanton ( SE )21 RR by catalogue female, junior classAJUMPAA GAWAHIR FOR SPIRITUS PRATUM (Spiritus